Thursday, July 31, 2008

From Your Negotiating Committee

Full Summary of the Last and Final offer.

Click here (.pdf file).

UPDATE: The Summary has been updated, with a cover page and holiday schedule.

Machinists Charge Hawker Beechcraft with Infringement

The IAM is filing Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) charges with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) over Hawker Beechcraft’s distribution of the company’s contract proposal that prominently displayed the IAM logo, implying union endorsement of the offer.

“We’re prepared to work closely with any company that deals honestly with us and respects its workforce,” declared IAM President Tom Buffenbarger. “Our members at Hawker Beechcraft are highly-skilled professionals that deserve better than secret plans to outsource their jobs to Mexico and deceitful tactics at the bargaining table.”

Negotiations between the IAM and Hawker Beechcraft ended on July 30, with union negotiators unanimously urging rejection of the company’s contract offer. The following morning, the company distributed the offer to workers, bearing the union logo.

“Hawker Beechcraft officials have crossed the line repeatedly in these negotiations,” said Aerospace Coordinator Ron Eldridge. “But the use of our logo to imply we approve of their inadequate offer is a new low.”

The union is also filing ULP charges on Hawker Beechcraft’s continued practice of threatening to discharge probationary employees who honor picket lines if a strike occurs.

“Threatening and deceiving employees and the public is the mark of a management team that needs a quick trip to the ethics woodshed,” said Southern Territory GVP Bob Martinez. “Senior management at Hawker Beechcraft should join us in condemning this latest outrage, lest they share the blame for its consequences.”

A vote on the company’s so-called “last, best and final” offer is scheduled for August 2, 2008. The current contract expires at midnight on August 3, 2008. Updates and additional information about the negotiations are available at,, and

Top 10 Reasons to Reject the Contract

Here is Your Negotiating Committee's Recommendation

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Rally Video

Contract Offer received.

The Union received the last, best and final offer from the company tonight. Your Union Negotiators recommend to reject the offer, and to strike.

We will have a short synopsis posted soon.

The Negotiating Team is very tired, having been up for two days. We will be getting some sleep and will be communicating with you in the morning.

LL733's Rally 7-29-08

View the video posted on KAKE's website with our members at Tuesday's Rally.

Morning Update

After an all-night session, we aren't any closer. The Union proposed a health insurance plan that would save $11 Million for the Company.

They said NO!

Still on the table from the company: Only 5 days ETO every year for anyone hired after August 2008.

Downgrades for Material Handlers and Material Clerks

The company wants to force the Universal Job Codes - sheet metal and machine shop. The Union wants to continue to work on these after contract, because of the important issues involved, but the company says no.

Pension -

2009 - $2 increase
2010 - $1 increase
2011 - $1 increase

NO to IAM Pension

NO movement on Cost of Living

NO EBS Insurance

We don't know when we'll get the last, best and final offer. We'll let you know when we do.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Video Update on Strike Preparations

Negotiating Committee Update - 7/28/08

Today is July 28th, and we finally met with the whole negotiating committee at 8:30 p.m. At this time the Company made their first pass on wages, pensions and holidays.

To give you an example of how far off they are, they only offered $1.00 per year increase in pension. This pass did not have a medical proposal in it. They say they are still working on it.

We have a long way to go and a short time to do it. Show your support for your committee by showing up at 4 p.m., Tuesday, July 29th at the Strike Headquarters, 300 S. Greenwich for the rally.

Come to the Rally Tomorrow!

We're planning a rally tomorrow at strike HQ. Make sure to attend, and bring your family if you can. It's VERY important that EVERYONE turns out! Click on the flyer for larger, and click here for the .pdf.

New flyer for Hawker Beechcraft

For full distribution. Click on pic for larger size, or click here for .pdf.

Support from LL 2328, Salina

Thanks to our Salina members, who sent the Negotiating Committee this petition of support, with 323 signatures! Your Committee thanks you for the support!

You can click on all the images for a large size.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

From the Mail Bag

Good afternoon all.

I just looked at the new Blog information online and wanted to tell you your count on the V.P.’s hired might be off.

Mike Dennett complained that the company has hired 29 Vice Presidents in the last 29 weeks. He says he has been keeping track.

I find it fascinating that they would even talk about our employee profit ratio in comparison to Cessna’s when you figure that every one of those V.P.’s would be considered high paid non value added employees, and 100% overhead on analysis.

Keep up the good work and let us know if we can do anything for you.

In solidarity, Gary Barnes.

HBC SLT insults every hourly worker

HBC posted several graphs yesterday concerning "HBC versus Cessna". Of course, the whole post was a complete insult to every hourly worker at Hawker Beechcraft. Look at this graph, and think about it, and the mindset they had to have to not only come up with it, then to publicly post it.
They say: Cessna's profit per employee is four (4) times that of HBC

What they are saying is that they hold us in contempt, that Cessna workers are far better, and therefore we don't DESERVE to be paid as much, to have good health insurance, and we don't rate as much pension, because Cessna employees are far more valuable and profitable to Cessna than we are to Hawker Beechcraft.

First, this is a bogus number. They don't even say what time frame they used to come up with this number, or what else they used to come to it. It's simply crap. But let's roll with their graph for a minute.

Why are Cessna employees so profitable? Let's think about it. Many aircraft workers have worked at the different companies here, Bombardier, Cessna, Spirit and Boeing, as well as the subcontractors. We all know that the workers at HBC are every bit as skilled and productive as they are at every other manufacturer.

So, worker productivity isn't the issue. The workers aren't less "profitable", so you need to look at the REAL reason. Let's look at a couple more graphs they posted:

Business has never been better for Hawker Beechcraft. Cessna Revenues are only 1.6 times HBC's, but their Operating Profit is 6 times HBC's. HBC has growing revenues and a record backlog. If they can't make a reasonable profit in this situation, there are obviously serious management problems.

How can this be the fault of the workers? We do everything asked of us, and do high-quality work.

While Cessna has no debt, HBC has $2.1 BILLION in debt.

Is this debt the fault of the workers? Did WE take it on?

Of course not. If your boss buys a house, you shouldn't have to take a pay cut to pay for it, should you?

That's what they are saying. They took on the debt, to buy the company, but WE should pay for their debt. Here's another slide:
It's clear from this slide that Cessna is a well-honed, well-managed, profitable company. This graph on the HBC side shows management problems, careening from profitable one quarter to in the hole the next. It's clear to long-time employees that HBC is too top-heavy with managers, and they keep hiring high-paid Vice Presidents left and right.

Notice they didn't make a graph about profit per Vice President!

Once again, NONE of this is caused by the employees. We build excellent products, and we do high-quality work and we are proud of the job we do. Raytheon mismanaged this company for many years, and there was a lot of damage done. It would take ALL of us to fix the damage done.

Too bad HBC holds we, the employees, in contempt.

This points to plans by HBC to throw an insulting proposal on the table Tuesday night, and they'll do a 'sell job' in the shop to try to tell us that we should be happy that they so generously gave us what they did, because we sure aren't worth it!

Remember, since early this year, they have told us the great job we've been doing, how we are the best in the business. They told us that right up until the time that we wanted to be paid as well as HBC'S competitors pay their employees.

Then they told us how they REALLY feel.

Negotiation Committee Update 7-26-08

Today is July 26, 2008, and we are still meeting with the Company on Hours of Work and Overtime.

Do not be misled by the Company’s web page into thinking that those hours have been agreed too. Nothing on hours of work or overtime has been signed.

Also on their web page the company states that Cessna employees generate $51K more profit per employee than HBC. Could it be that hiring 18 Vice-Presidents this year alone has made us too top heavy? Can you say “Raytheon”? Hourly worker to hourly worker there is no difference in production from Cessna to HBC, so where is the profit difference coming from?

Let your managers know no more B.S. math and give us a fair and equitable contract!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Latest flyers

Here's the flyers for the last several days.
Click picture for large size. Click here for .pdf

Click picture for large size. Click here for .pdf

Click picture for large size. Click here for .pdf

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Negotiation Committee Update 7-24-08

Today is July 24th, and we met with the Company and their consultants on retirement.

The Consultants gave us a presentation on how the IAM Pension compares to our present retirement. According to them our plan at 44 is better than having the IAM Pension, which Spirit has at $60.00.

Then they went on to show us where our pension at $44.00 is actually better than Cessna which gets $55.00. No wonder this company has a problem with schedules and budget. Just look at the way they do the math comparison for retirement.

Tell your managers no more B.S. numbers and negotiate a fair contract!

New health care video from Salina members

Our health care problem isn't just in Wichita, the workers in Salina are having the same problems. HBC negotiators say "very few complaints are registered" about the current insurance. It simply isn't the case, as listening to IAM members will attest. It's time to let your supervisor know that the current health care and costs simply isn't acceptable.

Negotiation Committee Update 7-24-08

Today is July 24th, late yesterday the Company gave us back their revised proposals on Hours of Work and Overtime as well as Attendance.

While there was some movement on the hours of work, they still want the ability to require you for overtime on the alternative work weeks, as well as eliminating premium pay.

The Company still feels that you have no problem with the attendance policy and shows no interest in changing the discipline. They are also asking for further takeaways from future employees.

To us this is like taking away benefits from our children as many of us have family ties to this Company.

Show your support for your Negotiating Committee and tell your managers no take a ways now or in the future.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The new video!

IAM members speak out about health care issues at Hawker Beechcraft.

Negotiating Committee Update 7-23-08

Today is July 23rd, yesterday we handed our counter proposal to the Company on Medical. We are still awaiting their proposals on the rest of the economics to include hours of work, retirement and wages.

For the Company to be competitive in today’s market they are going to have to increase wages substantially, raise retirement by at least $11.00 a month the 1st year, and get our medical premiums and coverage to where their competitors are.

Let your managers know this is what you want and that you support your negotiating committee.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Negotiating Committee Update 7-22-08

Today is July 22nd and the committee met with the Company on medical insurance. The Company is proposing only one carrier (BC/BS) with increases in premiums on medical that go to 15% for the 1st yr, 17% for the 2nd yr and 19% for the 3rd yr for employees cost on medical premiums for each year of the contract and 50% of employee cost of premiums on vision and dental with no increase of benefit coverage.

The Company stated that the employees have had no problems or complaints about our current insurance benefits. You told your committee this is a very important issue to you and now you need to let your managers know this is unacceptable.

New flyer for Hawker Beechcraft

Tuesday's flyer, for full distribution. Click on flyer for full size.

Or click here for .pdf

New flyer for Hawker Beechcraft

Monday's flyer, for full distribution. Click on flyer for full size

Or for the .pdf, click here.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Strike Headquarters

We now have a Strike Headquarters.

It is located behind 2 Brother BBQ on
the East side of Greenwich across from Hawker Beechcraft.

It is in the process of getting all the utilities turned on.
Plus getting the building ready to be used after the August 2nd
Strike Vote. There will be a lot of parking available.

When you get a chance drive by to see where it's located so you
will know where it's at when you need to find it.

Negotiating Committee Update 7-21-08 3:00 p.m.

Today is July 21st, this afternoon the Union Negotiating Committee met with the Company on medical insurance and they still want to offer one carrier (Blue Cross/Blue Shield) only, with projected cost increases.

According to the Company 30% of the fringe benefits cost is medical insurance.

The Company is ignoring the Union’s proposal of more than one (1) carrier. This is no way to be competitive in today’s market. Tomorrow, July 22nd we are scheduled to meet at 9:00 a.m. to further discuss the Union’s Insurance proposal.

Show your Negotiating Committee support and let management know this is an important issue to you.

A Big Hawker Beechcraft Welcome to Our New Employees!

Ever get a job and be threatened before your first day???

Well, that’s what’s happening with the new probationary employees.

After your Negotiating Committee informed HBC of their Unfair Labor Practice at the Bargaining Table yesterday morning, HBC quickly “revised” their unlawful threat:

Q. What happens to PROBATIONARY employees if there is a strike on August 4, 2008?

A. (REVISED) Employees who do not complete their probationary period will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, in accordance with the attendance guidelines for probationary employees.

Same threat, different words. THIS is the welcome for new employees to the Hawker Beechcraft family. Isn’t this wonderful? Doesn’t this show how much HBC Management cares for those who work for them?

Here’s the bottom line: The National Relations Board has already ruled that terminating probationary employees for honoring a picket line is unlawful. The unlawful threats remain. HBC CONTINUES the Unfair Labor Practice.

The IAM is an organization of the hourly workers at Hawker Beechcraft. We work for the betterment of ALL HBC workers, from the day they come to work. To the probationary employees: It’s easy to see who is on YOUR side! Talk to your Union Steward or Plant Chair for more information.

Setting the Record Straight

Honesty is ALWAYS the best policy - unless you're a corporation...

Posted on the Hawker Beechcraft negotiations page:

Q. How do our Aircraft Line Assemblers (017) and Sheet Metal Assemblers (021) pay rates compare to Bombardier and Cessna?

A. Currently these jobs at HBC are Grade 5 with a maximum rate of $23.48 per hour, before any negotiated increases take effect on August 4th. The current maximum rates for those same jobs at Bombardier and Cessna are:
Bombardier - $23.42 Cessna - $24.76

Of course, when we negotiate this contract, we are looking at the pay rates in the same year. Sadly, Hawker Beechcraft doesn't tell you that. As of Sept. 15, the rate of pay for Cessna assemblers, Grade 6, will be $25.75, or $2.27 higher than Hawker Beechcraft's pay of $23.48. Here's the page right out of the Local Lodge 774 IAM Contract:

Click on the graphic to see the full size.

Don't listen to the company propaganda. Hawker wants to complain about being at a "competitive disadvantage". Well, then, let's be competitive. Tell your supervisor you want to be competitive, and we need to start by being paid a competitive wage with Cessna workers!

Negotiating Committe Update 7-21-08

Today is July 21st and we are scheduled to meet with the Company today to initiate talks on medical insurance coverage. We still have not received a counter proposal from the Company on our counter to their hours of work proposal, despite what the Company is saying on their website.

Your Negotiating Committee wants you to know that nothing is finalized in this contract until August 2nd when you as members vote either to accept or reject their final proposal.
Continue to show your support for the committee and tell management you want a fair and equitable contract.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Hawker Beechcraft continues to scream about the need for “flexibility” in negotiations with the union.

However, in negotiations Wednesday, when talking about a section of an IAM proposal, Chief Negotiator Dan Dimarkouski said “Because of the company doing our payroll, we have very little flexibility in how we handle payroll.”

Think about that statement for a minute. When Beechcraft employees ran payroll, they had all the flexibility in the world… AND when we got our paychecks, they were correct. If flexibility was so important to them, why did they get rid of the payroll department and outsource it?

Bottom line – when they talk about flexibility, they are actually talking about the flexibility to outsource. Don’t be fooled!

July 18 Update

Today Is July 18th, yesterday we presented our proposal on EBS to the Company. Employee Benefits Sytems is a supplemental insurance that covers long-term disability, cancer insurance, additional life insurance, accidental insurance and critical illness insurance.

We are still awaiting the company’s response to our hours of work as well as our economic packages. Continue to show your support to the Negotiating Committee and let this Company know you expect a fair and equitable contract.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Unfair Labor Practice

Here's the latest flyer about the Unfair Labor Practice by Hawker Beechcraft, for full distribution. Click on the flyer for large size, or click here for the .pdf

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

July 16 Update

Today is July 16th. We informed the Company that they have committed an unfair labor practice by the posting on their website, regarding probationary employees. We informed the Company that we are going to be taking the appropriate action including Labor Board Charges.

The Union gave the Company its Counter Proposals on Article 5, 7 and 9, as well as the proposals on Article 3 & 4, with our Economic passage which included the IAM Pension, enhance medical, holidays and wages.

All in all this will be our first pass back on Hours of Work and the start of our Economics. Now is the time to let the Company know you support your Negotiating Committee and expect a fair and equitable contract.